mercredi 7 octobre 2015

The truth about Flight MH 370 Disappearance

When Malaysia Airline flight MH370 suddenly disappeared into thin air while en route to Beijing, from Kuala Lumpur, family and friends of the 239 passengers on board were frantic with worry. Yet, after months of searching, nothing is known about the flight’s inexplicable disappearance.
Some of the most compelling conspiracy theories associated with the flight’s disappearance are that North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un had the plane hijacked. Not only has this happened before, but what makes the theory plausible is the fact that MH370 had last reported changing course and going north-east in the direction of the rebel country. Other theories involve Islamic Separatist terrorism in China (which China is trying hard to conceal from the world), where apparently the plane was made to land for now, with a probably Chinese 9/11 on the cards in the future. The most interesting theory had the terrorist-hijacking angle, but with the plane missing for so long, this seems improbable.
Startlingly, some family of the missing passengers claim that some passenger phones are still on and when one calls them, one gets a normal ring. Worse, some of these get answered and then hang up! This has led many to believe that Malaysia Airlines is not revealing all information and that the passengers are still alive somewhere. Eerie, no?

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