mercredi 7 octobre 2015

The truth about John F. Kennedy’s Death

Now this one is a biggie, for just too many theories exist for an assassination that happened out in the open! When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 with two bullets while he was out in the public in an open-topped limousine, one Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with killing him. Yet, a survey in 2003 revealed that a whopping 70 percent Americans actually believe that Kennedy’s assassination was part of a much more sinister plot, and this of course, explains all the conspiracy theories.
For one, Lee Harvey Oswald never went to trial, as he was himself shot dead, just two days after the assassination. Additionally, numerous witnesses have died under highly suspect circumstances since the death. The Soviet Union, then under Nikita Khrushchev, The Mafia, Lyndon Johnson (the then Vice President) and numerous other people seemed to have their own motives, should they have decided to plot and carry out an assassination.
One bizarre suggestion also states that Jackie Kennedy, who was actually a secret undercover assassin, was behind the President’s death, irrespective of the fact that the First Lady was in plain view of the public as the shots were fired. There are also theories that the trajectory of the gunshots did not match and it could not have been one assassin as the police claimed. People have also had the President’s bodyguard and his driver under the suspicion scanner since then.

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